It's an exciting time in life! I've sold my car, packed my bags, and am wrapping up my college life, ready to begin the adventure ahead of me. It's a funny thing, I have tickets to leave the 6th of January, though I may be waiting until the end of the month to leave.
I'll be honest I've been a bit down lately. I've been asked to be a witness for a trial for an event that happened several years back, and it may delay my trip for a time. Regardless, I'm putting my best foot forward and I am ready to jump with both feet when the airplane door opens. There is a wild spirit that lives within me, and I'm ready to take on the world.
What will my new years resolution be? There's so many things I plan to do... its hard to decide. Here it is: To begin a new lifelong adventure, and let life take me where I belong.
So What is your New Years Resolution?
Take time to Discover the Beauty in Life
Grizzly Tracking with Adventurers & Scientists for Conservation
Grizzly Tracking - ASC from Devon Riter on Vimeo.